
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Tarot predictions continued... the AL No Guts

Cursed Bambinos (Ken)
the Pitch: Three of Bats (Single)
the Swing: VIII Control
The Three of Bats represents building success, the promise of advancement, the building block. Control represents willpower, harnessing opposing forces towards a goal, direction. The Pitch for the Cursed Bambinos is they just brought Ken his first division win. Though, he didn't win the league championship, it is a great building block for the future. How can the Bambinos take the next step up? The Swing suggests that the ability to maintain a steady focus, to have a "be here now" awareness, and focus on the goal. If Ken can stay on top of any injuries and see when good players are stuck on his bench, this may be his year.

Burninators (Mike)
the Pitch: Two of Bats (Take)
the Swing: MVP of Bases (Practical Accomplishments)
The Two of Bats represents waiting to see, evaluating options before making a move. The MVP of Bases represents practical accomplishments, real-world success, pragmatic achievements. The Pitch for the Burninators is to not rush to any decisions. They are in last place in their division after two weeks and the urge is there to change things up from the plan. But the Swing suggests a commitment to a long-term plan will bring success.

Whistles Go Woo (Byrd)
the Pitch: Nine of Balls (Strikeout)
the Swing: Six of Bats (Home Run)
The Nine of Balls represents mourning a loss, surviving sorrows, and accepting pain. The Six of Bats represents acting with confidence and the pleasure of success. The Whistles Go Woo had a rough season last year. The Pitch reminds us that Byrd and Lou need to accept that defeat and move on. The Swing suggests that Byrd forget all of that and move confidently forward. The surge of talent transferred from the NL squad should help the Whistles reach that goal.

Wookies (Jeff)
the Pitch: Five of Mitts (Error)
the Swing: XIX The Pitcher
The Five of Mitts represents accepting imperfection, not avoiding loss, but grieving well and looking to the future. The Pitcher represents clarity, contentment, comprehension, success, and happiness. The Wookies got a pretty clear Pitch. They have a team weakened by a draft last season that was focused almost entirely on prospects instead of established levels of major league performance. This left the team with a lot of holes going into this season. The Swing for Jeff couldn't be more positive, really. There isn't much to analyze there. Better times are coming.

Errant Shadows (Matt)
the Pitch: XX The Rule Book
the Swing: Eight of Mitts (Fielder's Choice)
The Rule Book represents criticism, guilt, forgiveness, conscience, and final answers. The Eight of Mitts represents taking a new path, evaluating the situation and acting strategically. The Pitch for the Shadows is that they face judgement. Matt has had a hard row to hoe with the only expansion team in the NL and had a chance to see how he'd do with a fresh and even start in the AL last year. But the Shadows did poorer than his NL team, which had to be a big disappointment. Maybe Matt is having doubts about how he has been doing things and I worried he might not want to continue in the league. But he seems to be following the suggested Swing by making some challenge trades in the off-season and some high risk-reward draft picks. Hopefully they will turn out well.

TriBonds (Randy)
the Pitch: Four of Bases (Hugging the Base)
the Swing: Eleven of Bases (Steal)
The Four of Bases represents ensuring security, clinging to safety, and possibly missing new opportunities. The Eleven of Bases represents daring to commit, even though there are no guarantees. Ominously, the Pitch for the TriBonds is the same for Randy's NL team, the Atarijin. Randy has put his fate in his embrace of the past. But the Swing this team is more encouraging, telling Randy to take some risks and that the act of which will be its own reward.

Bingo's Fuzzy Puppies (Slave)
the Pitch: Ten of Bats (Bases Loaded)
the Swing: Ace of Mitts (Internal Beginnings)
The Ten of Bats represents carrying responsibility, a scenario both promising and ominous. The Ace of Mitts represents a beginning in the areas of emotion, intuition, and spirituality. The Pitch for the Puppies is directly related to the big name trades he has done in the off-season. With A-Rod and Vazquez in tow, Slave has possibly moved himself into the position of favorite, which isn't a great spot. If he succeeds, it is expected. If he fails, it was his fault somehow. The Swing tells Slave that the best way to worry about it is not to worry about it, and to instead focus on what he really loves about playing the game. Perhaps in his first championship season, he can relax about the game results and have more fun.

Highway Kind (Carl)
the Pitch: Three of Mitts (Triple Play)
the Swing: Eleven of Balls (No-Hitter)
The Three of Mitts represents celebrating cooperation. The Eleven of Balls represents determined attention. Well, that's strange. I drew the same two cards for Carl's AL team as I did for his NL team, only reversed. The Pitch for the Highway Kind is teamwork, the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. The Highway Kind have a lot of talented players in the mid-tier area, giving him a strong and balanced team. But the Swing implies that without attentive monitoring and getting his hot hand in there, amongst his group of similarly talented players, they won't reach their potential.

Predicted Orders of Finish based on the Baseball Tarot
The Fielder
Cursed Bambinos
Whistles Go Woo
Bingo's Fuzzy Puppies
Errant Shadows
The Forster
Highway Kind

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