
Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Well I got a call last night that I wish I wasn't half asleep for because it was one of the funnier Scoresheet related things ever.

We're always joking about how Scoresheet hates Lou because he sends in lineups that say things like:
The Fire, LF
The Future, 3B
with no numbers. And how he always drafts and sends me hold lists in the most annoying way possible.

Since Lou is on the snailmail results system he got the June 6 results just yesterday and saw to his dismay that his starting 1B and lead-off hitter was not the #402 Nick Johnson of the .446 OBP and .534 SLG, but instead was an out-of-position #346 CHARLES Johnson of the .327 OBP and .283 SLG who has just been released by the Devil Rays. CJ also contributed 3 errors at 1B for Lou that week and because he didn't see the lineup snafu until now, he got CJ for another week.

Lou is going to try to smooth things over with Scoresheet to get his lineup corrected for this week's games. He doesn't remember if he submitted a lineup with no numbrers or if he accidentally put the numbrer in wrong himself. Also, he just now paid half his bill so he might not be too high on their happy list already and might not be in a big hurry to correct it.

I played Lou both this past week and the week before and I remember thinking it was weird that CJ was playing 1B (and making errors on consecutive batters in extras) but I didn't really think about it. I assumed it happened because he ran out of players or never submitted a lineup.

All in all, pretty funny.

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