
Monday, May 30, 2011

One of the Loveliest Things About Baseball Is...

You just can't ever figure it out.

So, I've been holding off blogging for a while I was really busy the weekend they swept the Rockies and then they just... kept... winning. So I didn't want to break the streak. Six in a row and then it was another busy weekend. So anyway, yeah, things have been good:

Good Things Over the Past 10 Days
Bad Things Over the Past 10 Days
Anyway, the Brewers are currently proving that no hot streak is too hot that they can't lose in Cincinnati. But, and this is a BIG BUT... how can you lose a game when Carlos Gomez and Josh Frickin Wilson go back to back jack??

One of the Loveliest Things About Baseball Is... you never, ever, ever can figure this game out.

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