
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Last Regular Season Game 

Things I learned at the ballpark today:

1. Jeff Locke will not be on the post-season roster
2. Clint Hurdle is an inflexible manager who puts guys in or out fitting their "roles" rather than what the situation dictates. This spells bad news.
3. Visiting fans are allowed to go sit in the first row right behind home if all the other people vacated them, apparently.
4. Just missing hitting an opposing hitter is worse in the umpires' eyes than hitting someone.
5. Clint Barmes is a lazy walkup song selector. Also, he is just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.

Cracker Time. I'm watching the Reds score their 6th run in the 2nd inning against the Pirates' second pitcher.

ps Jessica is hilarious. Last night I was kind of trying to not think about the Buccoes since Friday's game. Just wanted to enjoy playing D&D stress-free. At one point I asked the players if they had any questions to raise. Jessica says, "I'd like to raise something." Then she showed me the full-screen Jolly Roger on her phone. They'd just won!

Walker's homer to make it 7-1

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