
Monday, April 30, 2012


OK, so maybe I thought I blew the streak by posting but I can't go into this season scared. Now, the Sox have to win tonight to finish the month at .500, which seems like it would be an amazing morale boost after being down so much. Two games under would feel like a let-down. I know it's only symbolic.

Anyway, I wasn't real keen on Buchholz's chances since he's been so awful this year. It was a beautiful night and instead of staying in to work and listen to the game, I took a long walk to the South Side to watch Cabin in the Woods (*highly recommended but don't watch any trailers*) and then had a frightening walk home.

Just tuned in... saw the Sox were up by 5, but it was top of the 8th, bases loaded with Oakland A's and their #3 hitter up. The fate of the Cuccaros is legendary -- turning a game on JUST as our team blows a lead. So, I felt fairly sure the lead was about to be blown. First pitch I hear, ground ball up the middle -- Pedroia double play. Booyah! Just like in Statis Pro... Clutch Defense - Second Base.

Three more outs to go. Shall I risk fate even more and just call this one a win. Sure!

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Red Six!

I don't know if I'm "disrespecting the streak" to post but it's been a fun day listening to WEEI while clearing out tons of paperwork from my job from 20 years ago. Listened to last night's game this afternoon and tonight's game tonight. Six-game winning streak on the road! Tomorrow we go for the streak for the entire road-trip. Red Sox won last night with a blowout, including a great game from DMac (I'm not sure I'm ready to call Darnell this) and tonight with a squeaker. Both games are great signs. It's good to see Lester pitch well... hopefully the 125 pitches in the bitter cold won't wreck him. It's good to see Aceves have a strong finish, including striking out America's most-hated AJ Pierzieirsnxski to end it, despite his notorious reputation for never striking out. He's like a Jason Kendall who can hit.

This win also takes the Sox to .500. Plus the Yankees lost to a guy named Smyly. How badly did Jim Leland want a Smyly in his rotation? And, as we speak, the Rays are losing too. If we can keep it close like this to end April after such a horrific start, that's just great. There's news that Crawford isn't coming back soon but who really expected that?

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

No Words

I left Randy in charge when it was 8-0 and went to Roller Derby.

Aceves is now up to a 24.00 ERA.

Is Marlon Byrd the answer?? At least one nephew will be happy with a new jersey.

The rest I don't even want to talk about, except to share that depression crosses state lines.

I watched two-thirds of a Pirates game today in 40-degree weather. The team's cleanup hitter has yet to get an extra-base hit. I didn't spot anyone with a slugging percentage over .250. The Team Season Home Run Counter stands at 2. Also, they aren't doing the pirate ship animation any more. Instead there are some paper cut-out animations of each player. The one of Clint Barmes has him in position to field a grounder. A ball rolls in and stops about 5 inches from his glove. He just stands there.

There was a heckler a few rows behind me. The thing about terrible hecklers in a silent, empty stadium, is it makes kids think that this is what humor is. When Neil Walker is up to say, "Hey, Walker! Say hi to your brother, Johnny Walker!" at the top of your screeching lungs. Kids turn around and see this guy get some attention and think to themselves, "This man is doing a good thing," instead of what they should properly be thinking: "I wish this man were dead."

Take Me Out Of This Ballgame

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Well, You Know... Fenway Park. 100 Years...

Yeah that game yesterday...

I mean, ok. We lost the 1-0 Patriots Day game. Some bad umpiring. A bit of bad managing. Apologies were kind of offered. OK.

Then yesterday. As I showed Jessica the awesomeness of The Kids Are Alright, the Sox were busy dropping a ballgame that made them look like the worst team in baseball. 18-3. Maybe the "Scoresheet curse" will be in the Sox' favor for the series. Sure, score all your runs today. We'll win the next two by 1 run each. Or, maybe this is all Valentine's fault for slagging his best player in the middle of a winning streak.

Mark Melancon, never got to know you. 2 innings pitched. 10 hits. 2 walks. 11 earned runs. 5 home runs allowed. 1 strikeout. Jun Kazama.... wins!

So, ESPN has the game tonight. They're mostly going to talk about Fenway Park, which opened 100 years ago, three days after the Titanic sank.

"Hey, you know... Red Sox... how about that beautiful ballpark?"

What are we, the CUBS????

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Bobby V. Talks Like a Parody of a Lounge Singer

So smarmy... blech. Team's got some momentum, way to become a distraction. Let's move on and play some AM baseball!

With the 3-win streak, the Sox are right in the AL East with every other team with the standings pretty much on-par with Opening Day with all teams within a game of .500 and each other.

Aceves march from infinity: ERA at 9.00.

Also, Bobby V, "awry" is not pronounced "array."

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

What is the Deal with Darnell McDonald?

Why does he have a job with a team with one of the highest payrolls in the game? Why does he have a job, period?

Things I learned today about Darnell McDonald:

Meanwhile, things are going pretty well. Nice comeback yesterday. Winning today but umpires are conferring about a possible Carlos Pena home run to bring the Rays back into the game.

We're also looking at 6 weeks without Tacoby which means plenty of McDonald, Repko, Crawford, and Sweeney.

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Friday, April 13, 2012

In Which Tacoby Looks Up the Definition of "Pyrrhic"

Well, home opener went very well except for one little thing. We'll find out more later, I guess, but I'm expecting the worst. Friday the 13th indeed!

Red Sox are playing a frustrating Scoresheet season so far... lots of losses by a run or two and then a big giant win so the overall stats look good but the team is 2-5.

Is Joe Maddon going to buy dinner for Joel Peralta and Josh Lueke after leaving them in to mop up and get slaughtered?

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jon Rish Cracks Me Up (not deliberately)

Listening to my first live broadcast. John Rish often, after a pause, will just say, "Bitch."

He's actually saying, "The pitcher has just pitched the ball... results forthcoming" but it sounds like he is reacting as if Joe Castiglione just scribbled a rude drawing on his scorecard or something.

Seventh inning stretch... Sox on their way to 1-5.

ps He also says the pitcher "whines and bitches" (winds and pitches).

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Monday, April 09, 2012

Stepping Away from Infinity

Our new closer, Alfredo Aceves, after whining that he would not be satisfied with a non-rotation, non-closing position has an infinite ERA. He has faced 4 hitters and they have all gotten hits. Three have scored. Just for fun, let's see how his ERA will fare as he throws up all scoreless innings from now on, in a fairly-average 1-inning save chance future...

After 3 scoreless innings and presumably 3 saves, his ERA will be 9.00 -- beyond atrocious.
After 6 scoreless innings and 6 saves, his ERA will be 4.50 -- below average.
After 9 scoreless innings and 9 saves, his ERA will be 3.00 -- below average for a closer.
After 12 scoreless innings and 12 saves, his ERA will be 2.25 -- about what you'd expect for an elite closer on a championship team.

So, let's see how he looks in a month. Also worth noting, he need only pitch two-thirds scoreless to be better than Mariano Rivera's current 54.00 ERA (which would have been worse if they didn't end the game after the first run crossed).

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I'm all set to enjoy yesterday's Red Sox game, blissfully ignorant of the final score. Got my Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Excited that Squirrel Hill Dunkin' Donuts is all vegetarian because they are kosher. Listening to the pre-game. Hmm. Weird, they just seem to be talking about Thursday's game. Double check my web page... it says April 8th... ok. Finally the game starts and it's Saturday's game. I reload... still Saturday's game.

Fine. I call customer support. I just want to tell them the link is to the wrong file and get them to fix the link. But the woman in the Indian call center whose name is "Ashley" apparently just starts going through all the stupid customer service things of telling me to check my browser, etc. I tell her there is nothing wrong with the broadcast but the link is wrong.

Finally she asks me to use another browser. I open one up and I see the DING DANG MOTHER FLUBBIN SCORE on the home page. So I ask her to just fix the freaking link. Apparently the Tigers broadcast is the right day so I'll listen to it anyway. It looks like a ridiculous game.


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Saturday, April 07, 2012

Thumbs Down

OK, it's officially time to panic now. No offense. Beckett Ritzed. Bobby V. winless. Not much to comment on, only caught the tail end of the game. :(

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Thursday, April 05, 2012

3:15 Later... Sox Lose to the JV Squad

I can't believe a mostly scoreless game goes so long! I'm sure Justin Verlander is thrilled with Jose Valverde's "win" today. Oh well. Wasted effort by Lester. Opening Day is often a bit of a game of Russian Roulette. Pitchers will be great and then it's a matter of just catching the reliever who is not on his game yet. Today is was Valverde, Melancon, and Aceves. It happens. No reason to panic but it's a wasted opportunity. If you're going against Verlander, do you think Bobby V was tempted to just start the rotation with your #5? Figure you'll lose the first one and have an advantage for the next two? Oh well.

There are currently two 1-0 games in the books and another one is 1-0 Cubs and Kerry Wood is possibly giving it up while Bill Murray cracks wise. Bases loaded, full count, two outs... the unforgivable. Tie game. Who's managing the Cubs these days anyway? Why is Wood allowed to walk 3 guys in one inning in a 1-run game?

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